Urza Infinite Mana
Urza Infinite Mana
Urza, Lord High Artificer leverages fast artifact mana and wincons such as Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal, and Power Artifact + Grim Monolith. Additionally, Urza has the unique benefit of breaking parity with mana denial stax pieces such as Static Orb and Winter Orb. The Poly versions look to win with Polymorph / Proteus Staff getting Hullbreaker Horror to generate infinite mana.
Urza 2023-05-02
K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth
K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth
This deck wins by looping Gray Merchant or "storming" off with lifegain engines in play. It get's to run a lot of high CMC tutors and interesting cards not found in other black cEDH decks thanks to K'rrik's unique form of "mana ramp". It can consistently threaten turn 3-5 wins with multiple one card win-con enablers. K'rrik's best matchups are playing into stax and in pods that lack countermagic and/or graveyard hate.
Godo Helm
Godo Helm
A mono-red ramp list which assembles an infinite combo off of only its commander.
Red Love 2022-06-29
Magda Clock Combo
Magda Clock Combo
Magda is a proactive midrange combo deck, with both stax and fast combo pivots. This Treasure centric deck, focuses on high synergies between treasure generators such as dockside (and your friendly friends from under the mountain) to leverage Magda, Brazen Outlaw's ability to tutor and combo off for the win. This is usually done with Clock of Omen's and an artifact dwarf, or several of the other 2 card combos within the deck.
Magda Project 2023-12-21
Shorikai Combo
Shorikai Combo
Pacific Poly is a combo deck at heart that leverages the activated ability of Shorikai, Genesis Engine with cards such as Manifold Key that allow us to activate Shorikai more than once each turn to amass massive advantage and a perfectly sculpted hand. We make good use of heavy control and interactive elements, even including Humility, to keep opponents at bay until we’re able to pivot into our winning turn. This often involves getting infinite mana through Isochron Scepter and Hullbreaker Horror.
Stella Lee Turbo Threat
Stella Lee Turbo Threat
Stella Lee is a midrange combo Izzet deck which seeks to resolve Stella Lee as soon as possible before winning the game with one of her multiple tutorable 1 card combos. Stella Lee is unique among Izzet commanders in her 1 card combos are both tutorable and do not require playing a somewhat large package of build-around cards to make the deck work. This opens slots up for more generically powerful cards, making the deck powerful with Stella in play, but not reliant on her to function. Due to the instant speed nature of many of her combos, she also holds the capacity to win on top of your opponents through Borne Upon the Wind.
Izzet cEDH? 2024-07-13
Yuriko Tempo
Yuriko Tempo
Yuriko is a deck that utilizes Yuriko's ability to burn out its opponents while maintaining card advantage using enablers (low costing creatures) and ninjas. The versatile deck shifts between playing Aggro, Combo, and Control. The deck wins by burning your opponents' life totals to zero, Thoracle + Consultation/Pact, Nashi + Enter the Infinite, or Sakashima's Student loop with an opponent's Dockside. Yuriko is incredibly resilient due to her Commander Ninjutsu which bypasses Commander Tax.
Talion Control
Talion Control
This is an adaptive control list that seeks to survive the early game by utilizing powerful hatepieces like Grafdigger's Cage or Cursed Totem that allow us to slow down our opponents so we can find a game ending combo. Due to Talions ability to draw cards we can make sure to not run out of ressources. In comparison to other control decks like Tivit or Niv-Mizzet Parun it lacks clear one card wincons out of the CZ like Time Sieve or Curiosity.
Talion's Study 2024-01-24
Ob Nixilis Ping
Ob Nixilis Ping
This is a grindy, value based deck that uses Ob Nixilis to generate card advantage. It uses cards like kederekt parasite to grind out long games. It can use Ob Nixilis’ size to one shot opponents. This deck is reliant on Ob Nixilis, but if you resolve him early, then you will find yourself winning several games. It is slower than ad naus decks and decks that run rograkh, but it sees a lot more cards. It also has the major upside of using all will be one as a one card win.
Cult of Rakdos 2023-10-15
Gitrog Dakmor Combo
Gitrog Dakmor Combo
A proactive deck that seeks to win the game as quickly as possible. Utilizes the commander as a strong value engine to assemble its resilient and dedicated combo with a discard outlet and Dakmor Salvage.
Winota Stax
Winota Stax
Winota Snowball Stax seeks to be an explosive stax combo deck that wants to play nonhuman creatures early and then play its commander. Winota cheats creatures into play at an alarming rate and the deck can overwhelm the board quite easily. The explosive nature of the deck in combination with its tightly layered combos allow for the first real opportunity for Boros to play at the competitive tables.
Winota Discord 2022-02-05
Niv-Mizzet Parun Control
Niv-Mizzet Parun Control
Niv-Mizz Parun Control, is a control shell similar to Rashmi, Curious Control, and Tasigur that seeks to slow the game down with Stax, prevent wins with interaction, and eventually end the game with a resolved Niv Mizzet. Compact combos include Curiosity effect on Niv-Mizzet, or sometimes with Glint-Horn Buccaneer or Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal. Does poorly against multiple fast, low-interaction, decks. Does well against mid-range or other control lists.
Krark Sakashima Clones
Krark Sakashima Clones
This is a manual storm deck that focuses on creating various engines(using its commanders and/or Magecraft creatures) to help you win the game. With an engine your ordinary spells can turn into game winning pieces. The deck has many layers and can fallback to some of the well known combos with Dualcaster Mage and Underworld Breach.
The Thumbless 2023-03-20
Etali Combo
Etali Combo
Etali, Primal Conqueror is a outlet in the command zone with several different combos. Those combos include: Dockside Extortionist + Temur Sabertooth or Cloudstone Curio, Food Chain + Squee, the Immortal or Eternal Scourge, Dualcaster Mage + Twinflame or Heat Shimmer
Etali cEDH 2024-07-13
Ellivere Stax
Ellivere Stax
This deck deploys creature- and enchantment-based static interaction, such as Archon of Emeria and Stony Silence, targeting the Dockside-Oracle-Breach metagame in the early turns. The commander immediately generates board presence that grows at a quadratic rate, and also draws cards through combat and enchantresses. Compared to other Green-White commanders, the combination of board presence and card advantage from Ellivere has the highest ceiling. While the deck plays well through Rule of Law and its own stax, it is slow to win without combos and susceptible to hard board wipes.
The Wild Court 2023-12-11
Kinnan Infinite Mana
Kinnan Infinite Mana
Kinnan is a proactive/midrange deck that aims to utilize Kinnan to generate lots of mana and then funnel that mana into payoffs such as tutors or draw spells. Kinnan seeks to assemble infinite mana with combos such as Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Revelation and Basalt Monolith + Kinnan. It then uses Kinnan to find true outlets such as Thrasios to draw the deck and finish everyone off.
Kinnanu Reeves 2023-12-15
Jeska Ishai Murderbird
Jeska Ishai Murderbird
A quick combo deck with the goal of assembling any infinite mana combo or doing normal Jeskai Breach shenanigans with Intuition.
Jeskai Server 2023-09-20
Malcolm Vial Turbo Naus
Malcolm Vial Turbo Naus
Malcom // Vial Smasher is a traditional grixis turbo naus shell with additional wincons of Malcom + Glint Horn Buccaneer. Malcolm is very cheap to play and helps with initial ramp needed to get off the ground in the early game.
Malcolm Tana Glinthorn
Malcolm Tana Glinthorn
This is a proactive Temur deck that seeks to win the game through the interaction between Malcolm and Glint-Horn Buccaneer, which allows Buccaneer to ping the table and win. Underworld Breach and Brain Freeze are used as backups to the primary line, which allows the deck to maintain higher card quality. Malcolm's ability to ramp with Treasures also allows the deck to pivot into a more midrange game as well as leverage wheels effectively
Esper Turbo Naus
Esper Turbo Naus
A turbo Ad Nauseam strategy that uses Tymna as a value piece to stay relevant during the whole game while either having another combo piece in the command zone with Malcolm, or even more value with Sakashima. Missing red is going to make this deck slower compared to its Grixis counterparts as many rituals and wincons have been printed in this colour recently, but the UB core still allows us to go for very explosive wins especially considering many lists can pivot to a commander-centric plan.
Turbo Farm 2023-10-16
Zur Consultation
Zur Consultation
Zur Consultation leverages the ability for Zur to fetch Necropotence as well as threaten wins from hand with Ad Nauseam and Demonic Consultation. Shimmer versions of the list are able to win at instant speed with Shimmer Myr after paying a large amount of life to Necropotence
The Zurver 2023-12-11
Inalla Wizard Combo
Inalla Wizard Combo
Inalla is a proactive combo deck with multiple one card win conditions backed up by the proven and powerful consultation package. What Inalla lacks in command zone value and the utility white or green provides decks, she makes up for with absolutely blistering speed backed up by an interaction suite rivaling that of many of the formats most controlling decks.
Kraum Tevesh Breach Storm
Kraum Tevesh Breach Storm
A Grixis Ad Nauseam Storm / Breach deck that uses both of the commanders as card draw engines to help get us to a win. With Tevesh now at the helm, we can utilize our creatures beyond just the abilities in the card text. Not only is Tevesh itself an outlet, but other cards such as rituals, or tutors become more synergistic with our game plan. The aim here is to be drawing multiple cards on our turn to out advantage our opponents, and get us to the point of storming off.
Tayam Midrange
Tayam Midrange
Tayam is a creature-based midrange combo deck that can combo with Devoted Druid and a pump spell to combo. Tayam decks may additional leverage common GBW strengths such as Ad Nauseam, Hatebears, and Reanimation to win. Tayam decks are usually best suited for grindy pods but suffer from board wipes and may rely on Tayam to be in play.
Tasigur has the ability to power out early game wins while pivoting to a bevy of secondary strategies if disrupted, giving the deck near unparalleled flexibility. You can grind with many of the best decks at the table and land a stupid value engine early, whether through a powerful Ad Nauseam or a combo utilizing Tasigur's cost reduction to power out expensive creatures through Evolution effects.
Tevesh Thrasios Midrange
Tevesh Thrasios Midrange
This is a Sultai Midrange deck that uses its commanders as the main draw engine to find its combos and layers different combos to win the game. A potential main focus is Displacer Kitten to generate more mana for Thrasios activations or flickering Tevesh to draw more cards as well. In addition, it layers its small reanimation package for Hullbreaker Horror to generate infinite mana. Its main way of winning the game is Thassa's Oracle with Timetwister loop as the backup.
The Paradox 2023-07-21
Korvold Turbo Naus
Korvold Turbo Naus
Ad Nauseam & Dockside are the pillars of this Korvold, Fae-Cursed King storm list that uses Korvold's sac ability to its fullest, drawing through its deck with Dockside loops and finishing the game off with a wide variety of two-and-three-card combos. While it focuses on the early game, the deck can also take to the late game by keeping its hand full with Korvold's ability and swinging in with a large Korvold to put pressure on its opponents.
Korvold's Keep 2022-12-17
Elsha Top
Elsha Top
An adaptive combo list focused on assembling a combo using Elsha and Sensei's Divining Top, as well as utilizing Underworld Breach lines. The deck utilizes the strong card advantage engine and flexibility in timing that Elsha's ability provides to progress its own gameplan while hindering others. The list boasts high card quality due to the winconless nature of its combos, allowing it to run a strong suite of interaction.
Elsha Discord 2023-10-29
Jeska Tymna Turbo Naus
Jeska Tymna Turbo Naus
This is a Turbo Ad Nauseam deck evolved from RiverMayCry's classic Mad Farm list. The deck aims to resolve an early Ad Naus or Peer and assemble one of the several infinite mana combos to sink into Jeska. Tymna's card draw potential and Jeska's board control keeps Rebirth relevant at all stages of the game. This deck can struggle to stop opposing strategies, but has a very streamlined game plan with both removal and card advantage in the command zone.
Turbo Farm 2022-10-02
Rograkh Silas Turbo Naus
Rograkh Silas Turbo Naus
This is a turbo ad nauseam deck that uses its 0 mana commander to enable cards that are incredibly good in the archetype at a very early turn (e.g.: Mox Amber, Culling the Weak, Fierce Guardianship). The deck is incredibly fast, even when compared to other turbo naus commanders. The downside is that it loses out on a commander that grants card advantage.
Dargo Thrasios Combo Midrange
Dargo Thrasios Combo Midrange
Combo heavy midrange list which aims to overwhelm opponents with win conditions or grind with Thrasios. This list uses a variety of layered combos to gain advantage and win the game. It has a fantastic grind plan and can quickly pivot into a win when given a window. You should play this list if you like interactive gameplay, thought provoking non-repetitive combo lines, and grindy games.
Temur Thrasios Midrange
Temur Thrasios Midrange
Temur Thrasios Midrange aims at using both it's commanders to gain advantage over the table and use evolution pieces to go infinite with Dockside Extortionist. Typically turns 4-5 while holding up interaction on turns 3-4 to stop wins.
Rocco Creature Tutor
Rocco Creature Tutor
This list takes advantage of having a tutor in the command zone to assemble very flexible lines. Having a large number of one card win conditions, and the ability to find whatever you need means the list is very resilient and able to make multiple win attempts, even in the face of interaction.
Kraum Tymna Breach
Kraum Tymna Breach
Tymna Kraum Breach focuses on quickly assembling wincons with one card enablers such as Ad Nauseam or Intuition. The deck puts a heavy emphasis on Ad Nauseam, Underworld Breach, and Dockside Extortionist flickers. Tymna Kraum Breach utilizes a lot of fast mana to power out either explosive wins or strong early card advantage engines such as Kraum or Rhystic Study. Tymna Kraum Breach usually seeks to be the fastest deck at the table, but it has the potential to grind when needed.
Thrasios Tymna Midrange
Thrasios Tymna Midrange
A powerful and resilient combo deck aimed at maximizing deck speed, individual card strength, and value-scaling as the game progresses.
The Paradox 2023-09-21
Atraxa Food Chain
Atraxa Food Chain
Atraxa is both a Food Chain combo outlet and a soft payoff in the command zone, meaning we can build a layered deck that supports both strategies, while also having some unique and powerful interactions with Atraxa herself, like Displacer Kitten. This deck lacks the early game value that Tymna and Thrasios can provide, but the rest of her textbox positions her well for longer games, where you are able to use her large body to pressure opposing life totals, threaten a three turn player clock under a staxxed board or replenish your life total for a late-game Ad Nauseam.
Unified Atraxa 2023-12-11
Thrasios Vial Midrange
Thrasios Vial Midrange
A sans-white version of typical sans-red Thassa's Oracle decks. While these highly adaptive, interactive decks can win quickly with infinite mana or Underworld Breach. These decks look to establish card advantage early and interact on the stack. They have no issue easily pivoting to a grind strategy, falling back on Thrasios, Triton Hero and Seedborn Muse to pull ahead and win with an efficient combo finish.
The Paradox 2023-12-21
Tana Tymna Midrange
Tana Tymna Midrange
Tana Tymna Hulk is a midrange deck that seeks to slow down its opponents with its many supreme stax pieces until it finds a game ending combo involving Protean Hulk, or Arena and/or Academy Rector and Kiki-Jiki. The deck fuses together the very best from the well known Tymna&Tana Birthing Pod / Hulk lists. We want to deploy a RoL and/or Null Rod effect asap to slow down faster decks. Rector Breakers biggest strengths is the fact that we can combo off through Null Rod effects with Vivien on the Hunt instead of Birthing Pod. Having Tymna as our commander gives us huge grind potential as well. The most obvious weakness is not playing blue and not being super interactive on the first 2 turns.
Unified Hulk 2023-12-11
Najeela Tempo
Najeela Tempo
You play your commander as soon as possible, and accrue an ever increasing amount of warriors until you can find a way to generate infinite mana using these tokens, which results in infinite combats using Najeela’s ability. Often enough, the warriors themselves already do the trick.
Sisay Five-Colour Tutors
Sisay Five-Colour Tutors
Sisay is a proactive deck that utilizes Sisay's unique activated ability to tutor essential pieces for winning the game. Some lists also utilize Jegantha as a 5C dork in the companion zone to enable a powerful 2-part combo with Sisay.
Kenrith Midrange
Kenrith Midrange
Kenrith Midrange is an adaptive deck that really wants to out value other decks through multiple lines that generate card value. Typical wincons include Oracle Consult and Dockside Mayhem loops with Kenrith.